
Kristin Richardson Jordan (KRJ) the People’s Councilwoman of District 9

“Let’s uplift the community by spreading Radical Love”

Kristin Richardson Jordan stands on the platform H.A.R.L.E.M. You can find more information on the platform below. You can also sign up here to receive weekly community event updates as well as future monthly newsletter blasts (discontinued until July 2023). You can always stay up to date with our office by following us on social media below!

Office of Operations
163 Malcom X Boulevard/Lenox Avenue Harlem, New York 10026
Open Tuesday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm

Office Hours(Meet with the Council Woman) on Thursdays from 7:00pm – 9:00pm – by appointment (book here:

100% Grassroots

CM KRJ focuses on service and community care. She has an outreach team engaging in outreach/mutual aid six times a week, bi-weekly task forces, and numerous other service events. CM KRJ's policy & platform in representing District 9 (Central Harlem) is comprised of 8 focus areas simplified in the acronym H.A.R.L.E.M. Click any of the following topics to learn more about each part of the platform, the work our office has done, and legislation we have passed in regards to the topic OR click here to view an explanation of our Platform in full

H. – Holding police accountable & Abolition

A.Actually Affordable housing

R.Redistributing wealth and resources to those most in need and most oppressed

L. Living Longer: safety and care for our seniors

E. Education for all and Environmental Justice

M.Mental Health & Meaningful Change

Photo Description: Area Captains Somali Green, Robert Jackson, CM KRJ, Area Captains Stella Heyliger-Mulatu, and Rebecca Cruz

Kristin Richardson Jordan is a creative, Black, lesbian, activist, author, teacher, Brown University graduate, social justice advocate, spiritual warrior, and 3rd-generation Harlemite who began representing Harlem New York City Council District 9, Central Harlem on January 1st, 2022. She believes in full employment, free quality education, free public transportation, and prison abolition and has a policy platform encompassing 7 policy focus areas that spell out H.A.R.L.E.M. As a councilmember she proudly serves on six committees including the sanitation committee, the committee on aging, the committee on veterans affairs, woman and gender equity, youth services, and the committee on civil and human rights. Dubed “the female Charles Barron” for her progressive and at times even radical politics, she works closely with her “partner-in-crime” in his work on the comittee on housing, committee on public housing, and committee on higher education. At 34 years old Kristin is the youngest Black woman to hold this office in this district. She also, along with Crystal Hudson, is among the first openly LGBTQ Black woman to be on the New York City Council from any district. This, in addition to the politics she brings with her, her servant heart, and movement leadership is a recipe for meaningful, lasting, necessary change. Click Here to Learn More

Third Generation Harlem